Jewish Divorce Info
Under what circumstances is a husband entitled to divorce his wife? This article discusses various grounds for divorce, such as desertion, adultery and spiteful behavior.
The right of the wife to demand a divorce is as legally entrenched as is the right of the husband to demand a divorce. This legal entrenchment goes all the way back to biblical times...
An overview of the many laws involved in penning a get document.
The traditional Aramaic text of the get document along with an English translation.
No trivial detail is overlooked; the time is taken to double and triple check to ensure that the document and everything associated with the divorce is written and executed flawlessly...
One of the more complicated matters in the finalization of divorce is the establishment of the precise obligations of support following divorce.
True parenthood is here realized by both parents placing their egos far into the background, removing the child or the children from the battlefield, the arena of their conflict.
If a married man dies childless the widow is to marry her dead husband's brother. This practice is known as Yibbum. Alternatively, they can perform a procedure known as Chalitzah. Here's an overview of the Chalitzah ceremony.
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