
Tallit Essays

A Fitting Antidote
How do we take religion out of the once-a-week class? How does one acquire a feeling of (and for) religion? Where does one derive the strength to live by religious ideals, even in moments of weakness?
The Kabbalah of the Tallit
The garment surrounds our body; the fringes hang off it. They represent the two aspects of G-d’s being: His true self that is totally beyond our grasp, and the tiny fraction of His being we can experience.
Assembling Reminders
We sometimes fail to understand the connection between religion and morality.
Tallit In the Words of the Sages
A Selection of Aggadaic Sayings about Tzitzit
Translated from the sources, a selection of our sages' sayings about the special mitzvah of tzitzit.
My Business With G‑d
A tallit meditation
As I draw out each string, I think of the things I will do in the day that stretches out before me and ask myself: are these things my business or G‑d’s?
This is no fringe mitzvah! The tallit and tzitzit serves as constant reminders of our obligations to G-d and our fellows.
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