Ahavas Yisroel: Love of another Jew.
Akeres Habayis: Lit. The Foundation of the House. The Jewish wife.
Al Taharas Hakodesh: On the tenets of holiness.
Alter Rebbe: Lit. Old Rebbe. Rabbi Schneur Zalman of Liadi, Founder of Chabad.
Anash: Lit. People of our Brotherhood. The Lubavitch community.
Asser bishvil shetisasher: Tithe so that you shall be rich.
Askon/Askonus: Activist/ism.
Aveilim: Mourners.
Avodas Hashem: Service of G‑d.
Baalei Batim: Term used for authorities of an organization or people active in a community.
Baal Hahilulo: The person whose Yohrtzeit is being commemorated.
Baal Hasimcha: Master of the celebration.
Baal HaTanya: Author of the Tanya, Rabbi Schneur Zalman of Liadi.
Baal Hatzdokos: The Master of all charities, G‑d.
Bas/Ben Yochid: Only son/daughter.
Beis Hamikdosh:Holy Temple in Jerusalem.
Beis Knesses: Synagogue.
Beis Medrash: House of Torah Study.
Bentch: Grace after meals.
Binyan adei ad: An everlasting edifice.
Bitachon: Trust in G‑d.
Bli Ayin Hora: With no evil eye.
Bli Neder: Without making a vow.
Brayso: Talmudic quote from the authors of the Mishnah.
Brocha: Blessing.
Chag HaGeulah: Festival celebrating liberation from prison.
Chassidishe: In a Chassidic way.
Chassidus: Chassidic philosophy.
Chinuch: Education.
Chodesh: Month.
Chosson: Groom.
Chosson Torah: Lit. Groom of the Torah. A special honor bestowed on Simchas Torah.
Chuppa: Wedding canopy and ceremony.
Chutz lo’oretz: Outside of the Land of Israel.
Dayan(im): Judge/s of a rabbinic court.
Dinim: Jewish laws.
Eidilkeit: Innocence. Refinement. Sincerity.
Eretz Yisroel: Land of Israel.
Erev Shabbos: Friday afternoon.
Esrog: Species of citron used during the Sukkot festival.
Farbrengen: Chasidic gathering.
Gabboim: Synagogue wardens.
Gashmuis: Physical. Mundane.
Gelt: Money.
Gemilus Chasodim: Benevolence.
Gemoro: The Talmud.
Gruss: Regards.
Geula: Redemption.
Geula Shleima: Complete Redemption.
Golus: Exile.
Hakhel: ‘Year of Gathering’ following the Shmitta (Sabbatical) year.
Halachah: Jewish law.
Hashgocho Protis: Divine providence.
Hatoras Neder: Rescinding of vows, usually performed before Rosh Hashanah.
Hatzlocho: Success.
Hiddur: Enhancement of a Mitzvah.
Hilulah: Anniversary of the passing of a Tzaddik.
Histalkus: Passing away.
Ir hakodesh: The holy city.
Isru Chag: The day after the festival.
Kabbolas haTorah: Receiving the Torah.
Kaddish: Prayer sanctifying the name of G‑d. Recited by the prayer leader and mourners.
Kalo: Bride.
Kashrus: Keeping Kosher
Kehila kadisha: Holy congregation.
Klal: Communal.
Klal Yisroel: The Jewish nation.
Kosel: The Western Wall.
Lag B’omer: 33rd day of the Omer count.
Loilonos: For trees.
Lashon Hora: Gossip.
Rosh Chodesh: New month.
Maamor: Chasidic discourse.
Maariv: Evening service.
Maaser: Tithe for charity.
Maasim Tovim: Good deeds.
Machutonim: Term used for the parents of a married couple.
Mechila: Forgivness.
Mechitza: Partition. Usually used during prayer services or at weddings between men and women’s sections.
Megillah: Scroll of Esther read on Purim.
Mesader Kiddushin: Master of ceremonies at a Chuppa.
Mesiras nefesh: Self-sacrifice.
Mikdosh: Sanctuary.
Mikvah: Ritual bath.
Mishloach Monos: Gifts of food distributed on Purim.
Mishkon: Portable Tabernacle that traveled with the Children of Israel throught the Wilderness.
Mishna: Precursor to the Talmud.
Mispalelim: People who pray.
Mitzvah: Commandment.
Mitzvas asseh: Positive Commandment.
Moro D’asro: Rabbinic authority of a community.
Moro-Shchoradik: Of a depressed nature.
Moshiach: The Messiah.
Murkov: Grafted branches.
Nachamu: The Shabbos of Consolation following the Fast of Av.
Nachas: Pride and pleasure from children or one’s achievements.
Nechomo: Consolation.
Neginah: Music.
Ner: Candle.
Nichum Aveilim: Consoling the mourners.
Nusach: Version of prayer.
Ohel: Lit. tent. Graveside of the Previous Rebbe. Also called Tziyun.
Omer: The seven week count between Pesach and Shavuos.
Opsherenish: First haircut given to a 3 year old boy.
P”N: = Pidyon Nefesh.
Parnosso: Livelihood.
Pesach: Passover.
Pidyon: Lit. Redemption. Term used for personal petition to the Rebbe.
Pnimius: Inner.
Posuk: Verse.
Poskim achronim: Later Halachic authorities.
P’sak din: Halachic ruling.
Rabbonim: Rabbis.
Rachamim: Mercy.
Rashbi: Rabbi Shimon bar Yochai, celebrant of Lag B’omer.
Rebbetzin: Rabbi’s wife.
Rov: Rabbi.
Ruchnius: Spiritual.
Sefirah: Counting the Omer between Pesach and Shavuos.
Segula: Good omen.
Seuda: Meal. Festive feast.
Shabbos Mevorchim: Lit. Shabbos that blesses. Shabbos preceding a new month.
Shana Tova: Wishes for a good year.
Shechita: Ritual slaughtering.
Shechinah: Divine presence.
Shevii: Seventh.
Shiduchim: Matching for the purpose of marriage.
Shiur: Torah class.
Shlita: Abbreviation for “may he live long, good years.”
Shochet: Ritual slaughterer.
Shul: Synagogue.
Shulchan Aruch: Code of Jewish Law.
Sicha: Talk by the Rebbe.
Sidra: Weekly section of the torah.
Simchas Torah: Festival celebrating the annual completion of reading the Torah.
Simchos: Joyous occasions.
Simchoseinu: Our joy.
Siyum: Completion of a Sefer Torah or tractate of Talmud.
Taharas Hamishacha: Lifestyle or laws of Family purity.
Talmid: Student.
Talmidei Chachomim: Sages.
Tisasher: To become rich.
Tzach: Lubavitch Youth Organization.
Tzaddikim: Righteous individuals.
Tzedokah: Charity.
Tzeischem l’Sholom: Blessing to go in peace.
Tzitzis: Fringes on a four-cornered garment.
Uforatzto: Spread outward.
Yetzer Hora: Evil inclination.
Yidishkeit: Judaism.
Yiras Shomayim: Fear of Heaven. Integrity.
Yogaato umotzoso: Talmudic proverb: If you toil – you will succeed.
Yohrtzeit: Anniversary of death.
Yom Tov: Festival.
Yotze: Fulfilling an obligation.
Yud Beis Tammuz: 12th of Tammuz. Anniversary of the liberation of the Previous Rebbe.
Yud Shevat: 10th of Shevat, Hilulah of the previous Rebbe.
Yud Tes Kislev: 19th of Kislev. Anniversary of the liberation of the Alter Rebbe, founder of Chabad.
Zechus: Merit.
Zechus Horabim: Merit of the community.
Zeman: The time.
Zeman Cheiruseinu: The season of our freedom.
Zohar: Early mystical work, written by Rashbi.
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