"עלה אלקים בתרועה ה' בקול שופר"
G‑d ascended with the blast, Hashem with the voice of the shofar.”

QUESTION: Why does the pasuk start with the term Elokim and conclude with the Tetragramaton — the Holy four letter Name?

ANSWER: This Psalm is alluding to the blast of the shofar on Rosh Hashanah (see Yalkut Shimoni). The word “teru’ah” is related to the word“rei’ah” — “friend.” The word “shofar” is related to the word “shipur” — “improvement.”

The name Elokim denotes severity and judgment, and the Holy four letter Name denotes mercy.

The Psalmist is saying that when Jews resolve to be friendly with each other and harmony prevails, alah Elokim — He ascends and departs from His Throne of judgment (the word “alah” can mean “ascend” as in Bamidbar 10:11, see Targum). When Hashem sees a resolve to improve and better our way, we immediately merit that Hashem b’kol shofar — He sits on His Throne of mercy and He converts harsh judgment to compassion.

(הליכות עולם, ברכת חיים - שיח צבי)