The day for our departure had now arrived. I had told the Rebbe that we would be leaving from 770 at about 6:20 p.m. The Rebbe had graciously honored us by stating that we may call and see him to say farewell at 6:00 p.m.
Just a few minutes to six, Rabbi Chodakov phoned the Rebbe and told him that we were here and waiting to see him. The Rebbe said that the appointment was for 6:00 p.m. and it is only three minutes to six now. But, in any case, we could now come along.
During this yechidus we again discussed communal matters, and again the Rebbe asked about various people in Manchester and even in Israel. The Rebbe thanked me for traveling to Israel at his behest, for my nephew’s wedding. The Rebbe has “spies” in Jerusalem, who informed him that I had fulfilled my shlichus and made everyone freilach at the wedding and at the sheva brochos of the following days.
The Rebbe had heard that at a recent concert in England, a Jewish opera star had sung a piece which the Rebbe considered to be not in good taste. “Ah, yes,” said I, “but he wore a yarmulke.”
“The Pope – l’havdil – wears one too,” retorted the Rebbe.
The Rebbe then handed me three notes of £5 each: one for Manchester Tzach (youth), one for Glasgow and one for N’shei Chabad in Manchester. The Rebbe said I should give this one to Roselyn. I joked that it was unusual to take English money from America to England.
“You can have five one-dollar bills instead,” interjected the Rebbe. Serves me right!
Roselyn then said to the Rebbe that we have, thank G‑d, spoken to the Rebbe on this trip a total of nearly three hours. We have discussed everything and everyone, but we have not asked for a brocha for ourselves, and we would like a brocha for health, parnoso and so forth for us and for our children and grandchildren.
The Rebbe said “iber dem kop” (over the head), and at the same time raised his hand over his head, showing us literally what he meant.
This was a nice brocha and a nice gesture, and with full and happy hearts, we took leave of our dear Rebbe.
We knew that as usual, we would, please G‑d, be back here again in no time.
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