During the winter of this year I received a letter from the Rebbe dated 10th Kislev, 5731 (December 8, 1970). My sister in Israel, who had recently suffered a tragedy when her 18 year old son was killed in a road accident, was now marrying off a child. I had not planned on being at the wedding. The Rebbe wrote to me:
The main points of this letter are to express my confident hope that all the necessary preparations are being made to observe Yud-Tes Kislev, and may G‑d grant that it should be with much hatzlocho, especially as these prayerful wishes are expressed on the 10th of Kislev, the geulo of the Mitler Rebbe.
2) I trust you will not take amiss my following remarks. I have just bidden farewell to your sister and brother-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Goldfield, on the eve of their return to Eretz Yisroel. In connection with their frame of mind, about which there is no need to elaborate to you, it would be very good if you and your brothers would make the trip to be present at the wedding. This would be of great moral help to your sister and brother-in-law. Incidentally, it would also give you an opportunity to visit our Chabad institutions, and get acquainted with Chabad activities [that we] now [have] there at first hand.
As the Rebbe had requested, my brother Ephraim and I traveled to Israel for four days.
After we returned I promptly reported to the Rebbe about the trip. I received the Rebbe’s reply:
8th of Teves, 5731 (January 5, 1971)
I have just received your letter from Manchester. Many thanks for the good news it contained in regard to all the matters in Eretz Yisroel.
Once again, Mazel Tov for the wedding of your nephew in Eretz Yisroel. Last night I bade farewell to your niece from Manchester.
I am particularly appreciative of your thoughtfulness in sending me your report and good news so promptly. May G‑d grant that you should spend much money on postage for letters speeding good news.
I was of course particularly pleased also to note that you visited the various Chabad institutions, including also the Chabad activity of the Tefillin Campaign at the Kosel. It gave me a great deal of pleasure to read about it...
Once again I send you and yours my prayerful wishes for good news in all above, and also to draw from the holiness of Eretz Yisroel to inspire all your affairs and actions in chutz lo’oretz.
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