
Additional Reading

Why is Moshiach a Person?
Skeptic: If humanity has a destiny and goal, if history is the evolution toward a state of harmony and perfection, why the need for the individual human being you call Moshiach?
Who Needs a 'King'?
Skeptic: So we're back to totalitarian rule, to monarchs who reign by Divine license. I thought we got over that a few centuries ago.
Moshiach: A Return to Monarchy?
The 20th century saw the expansion of democratic ideals on a global scale. How is this preparing us for the Messiah's "monarchy"?
The Personality of Mashiach
The character and qualities of Moshiach -- culled from classic rabbinic texts.
Sighting Moshiach
Is it true that he shall suddenly appear on a main street in Jerusalem, a poor old man spewing forth wisdom and declaring the time of redemption has arrived? If so, why will they not lock him up?
Who Needs a Human Moshiach?
Moshiach and Mortgage Brokers
The mortgage broker is an impartial intermediary between the lender and the borrower. Moshiach plays a not-so-different role...
Why Does Moshiach Have To Be a King?
Can't he just be a good teacher?
Every time you people talk about the messianic era, and “the Moshiach,” you insist on talking about him as a king. Well, we started guillotining kings over two hundred years ago, and they haven’t really been in fashion since then. So how about we just call him (or her) an “enlightened spiritual leader”?
Is the Messiah a Descendant of King Solomon?
I read that the Messiah will not only be a descendant of King David, but also of his son Solomon. What is the source for this?
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