
From The Library

Purim Ideas from our Library

A selection of Purim insights taken from our site's library section.

Likkutei Sichot
Likkutei Sichot (literally, "Collected Talks") contains both the scope and the core of the Lubavitcher Rebbe’s teachings, and is the most authoritative source text for the Rebbe's unique, original, and often revolutionary explanation of Judaism.
Crown Jewels
Selected from the Rebbe`s voluminous Likkutei Sichot, these "Crown Jewels" expound the most profound of Chasidic concepts, presented according to the Torah portions in which they originally appeared.
Timeless Patterns in Time
The Jewish year, with its holidays and fast days, is a cycle of recurring spiritual influences, with each year bringing a new dimension to the cycle. These essays highlight the spiritual message of the holidays.
Torah Studies
In this collection of lucid adaptations of the Rebbe's talks on the weekly Torah readings and Jewish holidays, each question is not only resolved but also revealed to be the starting point of a major spiritual search...
Through the Eyes of a Woman
Nechama Greisman's classes on the weekly sidra and Jewish holidays are conveyed through a unique perspective - that of a chassidic woman.
Keeping in Touch
Every section explores a theme with a telling personal encounter with the Rebbe; a thought on the Torah portion or holiday; and a closing composition to guide the reader from inspiration to action.
Living with Moshiach
Concise adaptations arranged according to the weekly and holiday Torah portions. This volume unites these cogent insights with the well-known Chasidic adage, "one must live with the times," that is, take guidance from the appropriate Torah reading.
Chassidic Discourses
A Collection of discourses by the sixth Lubavitcher Rebbe. Written during the turbulent years of 1941-1945, many of the discourses focus on self sacrifice, and strengthening Judaism, often speaking of the lessons to be learned from the earth-shattering events of the time and their connection to the coming of Moshiach.
The Chasidic Dimension
These essays were first published in monthly collections entitled From the Wellsprings of Chasidus. Each volume covers a complete cycle of the Torah readings, presenting concise insights and ideas for year-round learning.
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