What's the story with those "lots" anyway? Why did Haman cast them, and why do we make such a big deal out of them? The parallels and differences between Purim and Yom Kippur
As formulated at Sinai, the contract between G‑d and Israel contained certain vulnerabilities. It was only nine-and-a-half centuries later that our acceptance of the Torah was established upon an unshakable foundation.
Originally, there were two different conceptions of how the miracle of Purim should be commemorated, propagated by the two heroes and founders of Purim, Mordechai and Esther
If a cold and dark world mutes the light of G‑d and dulls our minds and hearts, it only accentuates the most basic and essential element of our relationship: the bond between the physical self of man and the quintessential being of G‑d.
“The Chanukah thing,” he says, “I pretty much got down. It’s about rationalism. But what’s with Purim and the Persians?”
“It’s just the opposite,” I answered. “It’s about chaos and the totally random.”