
It’s Up to G-d!

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It’s Up to G-d!

The Sotah woman is estranged from her husband, like the Jewish people during our long exile.
Galut, Sotah, Sotah, Lubavitcher Rebbe
It’s Up to G-d!
Disc 140, Program 558

Event Date: 4 Sivan 5742 - May 26, 1982

Tractate Sotah, which is customarily studied between Passover and Shavuos, discusses the laws concerning a woman who is suspected of infidelity by her husband.

The last folio of the Tractate discusses the onset of the Jewish people’s long exile, which is compared to the separation between husband and wife, G-d and the Jewish people.

Fortunately, the tractate also presents an opinion that this separation is the result of the husband’s intense love for his wife, giving our exile an entirely new dimension.

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