Halachic Ruling
Living Torah
Halachic RulingRabbi Menachem Mendel Mendelsohn of Moshav Komemiut asks a blessing for the neighboring Chabad yeshiva in Kiryat Gat to be able to pay off its debts.
Halachic Ruling
Disc 113, Program 452
Event Date: 12 Elul 5750 - September 02, 1990
Rabbi Menachem Mendel Mendelsohn of Moshav Komemiut asks a blessing for the neighboring Chabad yeshiva in Kiryat Gat to be able to pay off its debts. “Issue a ruling with the power of a rabbinical court that Heaven must provide the means to free the yeshiva from debt. Use Maimonides’ ruling as a support, namely, that the purpose of all the physical rewards promised in Torah are only in order to enable Jews to serve G-d.” |
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