The sun and moon were both created as great luminaries, each with its exclusive purpose and function. Man and woman neatly reflect a similar concept, each created with their own unique mission and purpose to fulfill.
Letter No. 775:
The miracle of Purim demonstrates the greatness of the Jewish women to such an extent that the Megillah is not named after Mordechai, or even Mordechai and Esther together, but only Esther.
The privileges and responsibilities of the Jewish women, the “Akeres Habayis,” are so great, that it is she who has the tremendous merit of determining the atmosphere of the home. A special message for “the thinking Jewess.”
Both the parent and the plant bring life to their offspring. Unlike the plant, which must be connected to its roots, the human may eventually live on its own. However, Abraham, Isaac and Jacob are referred to as our roots . . .
We can hasten the redemption by removing the reason for the exile, Torah education for girls is the path forward.
Letter No. 266: