1. The sixth day of the week is associated with the sixth day of creation, the day on which man was created. This marked the completion of the entire creation concerning which the Torah states, “And G‑d saw everything which He had made and behold, it was very good.”1

This serves as a lesson for each and every Jew for our behavior can have an effect on the totality of creation.2 On the sixth day of the week, we must increase our performance of Torah and mitzvos. This will lead to the ultimate level of the fulfillment of Torah and mitzvos which will come in the Messianic age.

We find two opinions regarding G‑d’s completion of the work of creation on the sixth day. One opinion maintains that creation was completed after the last moment of the sixth day, i.e., at the first moment of Shabbos. The second opinion maintains that G‑d completed the creation on the sixth day itself. Torah law prescribes that we follow the second opinion and that on Shabbos, a Jew feel that “all your work is completed.” Indeed, according to Rabbinic law — which is more severe, but “dearer” to G‑d than Torah law — one must add from the mundane to the holy and cease one’s work before the Shabbos begins. {We see a parallel to this in the actions of Adam on the Friday of creation: His major positive achievement on that day was his call to all the creations, “Come, let us bow down, prostrate ourselves, and bend the knee before the L‑rd, our Maker.” This took place several hours before Shabbos.}

“The end is rooted in the beginning.” Thus, the service of the completion of Friday, the completion of the work of creation is relevant to us at present, at the very beginning of that day.3 Similarly, the above applies because in a larger sense, when taking into consideration our position in the entire sequence of time, it is already, Friday afternoon, (i.e., than three quarters of the sixth millennium has passed). It is no longer necessary for us to call to all the creations, “Come, let us bow down, prostrate ourselves, and bend the knee before the L‑rd, our Maker” for that service has been fulfilled through the spreading of the wellsprings of Chassidus outward. “All the appointed times for Mashiach’s coming have passed and the matter is only dependent on Teshuvah.” Teshuvah can come in one moment, with one turn. Each of us can with one thought or deed tip the balance of the entire world and bring about the coming of the Messianic redemption. Then we will dance together with Mashiach, in Jerusalem, in the Beis HaMikdash.