
Transcripts of Miscellaneous Talks

Selected transcripts of the Rebbe's talks

Education is the Cornerstone of Humanity
On the Inauguration of "Education Day USA" - April 18, 1978
The proclamation of "Education Day, USA" is of extraordinary significance in impressing upon citizens the importance of education, both in their own lives as well as, and even more so, for the young generation in the formative years—particularly in the present day and age.
Searching for G-d
Can “hide and seek” work if the seeker stops searching?
Can a Jew be faulted for failing to constantly search for his Father and yearning for the Redemption? Whose fault is it after all?
Education in the United States, an Example to the World
Endorsement of President Jimmy Carter's Education Program - Feb. 7, 1979
Divine Providence has richly blessed this nation and land to be the "bread basket" for many nations, rich and poor. The U.S.A. has been, and will continue to be, an international benefactor on a vast scale, through generous economic and other forms of aid.
Clarity with Regards to Life's Purpose
11 Nissan, 5741 · April 15, 1981
A transcript of one of the Rebbe’s talks following the assassination attempt on President Reagan.
On Crime and Poverty
In the past it has been argued that poverty is the root of all crime; it embitters the person, which, in turn, leads to feelings of revenge.
Imprisonment vs. Rectification
Among the nations of the world there is punishment by imprisonment. In contrast, this [form of punishment] is not to be found in the Torah.
Excerpts from the Lubavitcher Rebbe’s Address on 10th of Shevat, 5740 (1980)
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