
Family Parshah

Shazak Parsha: Behaaloscha
Behaalotecha Parshah Quiz
Take this quiz to see how well you know the parshah of Behaalotecha.
Behaalotecha Roundup
A quick family-oriented summary of the events in this week's Parshah. Kids, read it online to get a picture of all the exciting going-ons in this week's parshah. Parents, print it out to share at the Shabbat table
Parshah Song
Have fun listening and singing along with these original songs as you learn about the Parshah of the week.
Week in Rejew
Video | 3:54
Week in Rejew
Behaalotecha Parshah Report
With the help of the all new Intellicompute parshah-cam, Jono gives us an edgy, fast paced review... er... rejew of this week's Torah portion
Behaalotecha Crossword
A fun and easy game to test your knowledge of the Parshah. Read the Parshah Roundup first so you're sure to know the answers, then play the game online and print it out to share with your family and friends. A great round-the-table review, too
Behaalotecha Q & A
Question and answers on events in the Parshah, complete with the source verses, so you can see the question inside the text. For Shabbat table discussion
Behaalotecha Parshah Lesson
This week: What can Nadia learn about helping others from the instructions on the lighting of the menorah in the Parshah?
Coloring Pages
A Parshah Coloring Book, with drawings illustrating the events in each parshah, to print out and color
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