
The Deed: Shabbat Observance

“On the Seventh day you shall rest from all work”. What constitutes work? There are 39 general categories of labor that are forbidden on the Shabbat and many derivative laws as well. Watch this series of eight classes which present an overview of the laws of work on Shabbat.

Shabbat Observance - Part I
Part I
“On the Seventh day you shall rest from all work”. What constitutes work? There are 39 Cardinal prohibitions on the Shabbat, and many off-shoot laws that are derived thereof. The first in a series of eight classes, defining the laws of work on Shabbat.
Shabbat Observance - Part II
The second in a series of eight classes, defining the laws of work on Shabbat.
Shabbat Observance - Part III
The third in a series of eight classes, defining the laws of work on Shabbat.
Shabbat Observance - Part IV
The fourth in a series of eight classes, defining the laws of work on Shabbat.
Shabbat Observance - Part V
The fifth in a series of eight classes, defining the laws of work on Shabbat.
Shabbat Observance - Part VI
The sixth in a series of eight classes, defining the laws of work on Shabbat.
Shabbat Observance - Part VII
The seventh in a series of eight classes, defining the laws of work on Shabbat.
Shabbat Observance - Part VIII
The final episode in a series of eight classes, defining the laws of work on Shabbat.
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