2:57 Swayed by Public Opinion? By Chana Weisberg How much of your perspective is influenced by others? Watch
1:48 Stop Monkeying Around A Fascinating Monkey Experiment with a Very Human Lesson By Chana Weisberg How often do we bypass our value system, simply because that’s what everyone else does? Watch
1:32 I Lost My Toe! By Chana Weisberg Motti was in a real quandary, for he couldn't be Motti because Motti had the red string on his toe. But if he wasn't Motti, then, who indeed was he? Watch
2:20 Freedom By Chana Weisberg How often have you said to yourself, "Get me out of here!"? But you didn't know just how to free yourself... Watch
2:10 Is Being Nice, Being a Wimp? By Chana Weisberg The chassidic masters see a simple needle as a metaphor for our lives--and a means of finding guidance of how and when to be strong or soft. Watch