64 items in this section
Audio | 42:21
What Does Judaism Really Believe?
Rabbi Simon Jacobson dispels various popular misconceptions about Jewish belief in Moshiach and clarifies some of the basic ways in which the advent of the Messianic Era is brought about.
Audio | 53:06
How do mitzvahs bring Moshiach?
How the cumulative effect of our positive actions results in the perfect world of Moshiach.
Audio | 1:03:17
The Jewish belief that there will arise a leader who will bring the entire world to recognize and serve the Creator, ushering in an era of universal peace and Divine perfection.
Audio | 40:19
Part 1
When the cannibal loses his appetite, then Moshach has come down to earth and G-d has become its reality….
Audio | 39:00
Part 2
The Messianic era will bring about the ultimate resolution of good and evil. How will this come about?
Audio | 1:02:07
Listen as the traditional belief is demystified and presented in a down to earth fashion. This talk emphasizes the need to actively prepare for Moshiach, by making the world more G-dly.
Audio | 32:32
Looking Forward to the Coming of Moshiach
One of the foundations of our faith is the belief that Moshiach may arrive at any moment. How do we develop a feeling that Moshiach's coming is imminent?
Audio | 25:15
“Jacob called for his sons and said, ‘Gather and I will tell you what will happen to you at the end of days'”. Rashi explains: He attempted to reveal when Moshiach would come, but the Shechinah (Divine Presence) withdrew from him. So he began to say other things.
Audio | 39:19
By the end of days there will be the awakening of the dead which brings about the question: Will we be obligated in doing the Mitzvot (the commandments) during that time period, and if so how will they be performed.
Audio | 33:49
Looking forward to ultimate reality
Do we anticipate the coming of Moshiach just to make ourselves feel better, or to align ourselves with the true and ultimate purpose for which the world was created?
Audio | 38:22
The Talmud teaches that mitzvahs will be nullified in the Messianic age. How do we reconcile this with Judaism’s cardinal principal that Torah is eternal and mitzvahs don’t change? Join us for a detailed discussion on the very nature of Torah.
Audio | 56:49
We await the Messianic Era because we look forward to finally having peace and reaping the fruits of our millennia-long exile toil.
Audio | 58:28
A Prelude to the Messianic Era
Discover how ancient kabbalastic texts foretold the nuclear age and what the final outcome will be.
Audio | 35:59
As we look forward to the future redemption, let’s examine what the redemption will achieve for our people, the world at large and most important, in bringing the manifestation of the divine presence.
Audio | 55:23 Advanced
The belief in the resurrection of the dead – one of the thirteen principals of faith – and why it’s so fundamental to our faith.
Audio | 45:13 Advanced
The inner meaning of the expansion of the Land of Israel in the era of Moshiach.
Audio | 56:45
The Jewish belief in the resurrection of the dead—the climax of the final redemption and the two related views on the ultimate reward for the soul.
Audio | 32:08
A deeper look at Maimonides’ three biblical sources for Moshiach (Laws of Kings, ch.11) sheds light on the three elements of the Messianic Era.
Audio | 37:43
The Messiah and King David
An in-depth analysis of a puzzling Talmudic passage which foretells that Moshiach will be a king and that his ancestor David will be his viceroy.
Audio | 37:15
A Metaphor for Exile and Redemption
Before the siege of Jerusalem, G-d commanded the prophet Ezekiel to place an iron pot around a brick symbolizing the city's siege. (Ezekiel 4:3) Iron can be a metaphor for the grave character defect of rigidity or for the deep inner strength of the Jewish people that leads to Redemption.
Audio | 15:46
A Chassidic Perspective on the Final Redemption
Maimonides codifies the belief and anticipation to the coming of Moshiach as an absolute imperative in Judaism. Why is it so necessary to await and year for the Messianic Era?
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