
History: Chassidic Dimension

Exploring the inner dimension of historical events through the lens of mystical, Chassidic teachings

Garden of Eden
The first story in human history is a story we all know: Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden. Yet, it requires further study to uncover its deeper meaning and significance.
Old Story, New Twist
The simple story of Adam and Eve: Maybe it wasn't that simple after all
Waters of the Flood
Audio | 29:46
Waters of the Flood
Good News or Bad News?
The text states: “the people were evil; the flood erased them from the earth”. However the Midrash equates the flood waters with the waters of creation which are pure and holy; is it good news or bad news? Is Torah in heaven or on earth?
The New World of Noach
In creating the world, G-d moved from nothing to something. In the new world of Noah after the flood, the creation responded by moving from something to nothing.
Abraham: Kindness
G-d created the world out of kindness; Abraham was the embodiment of that kindness. Chassidut reveals the nature of Abraham's love and fear, and his relationship with Sarah, Yitzchak, Yishmael and Hagar.
Yitzchak and His Wells
The G-dly refinement of the world has been going on for three and a half thousand years, counting from Sinai, the refinement is obviously through man’s efforts, and the world must grow from within the natural order. It all began with Yitzchak and his wells...
The story of Elisha from a Chassidic perspective.
Akeidat Yitzchak
Audio | 50:08
Akeidat Yitzchak
This class unravels the special significance of Akeidat Yitzchak, the binding of Isaac; why this test of self sacrifice stands out from all others?
The Me’oras Ha'Machpelah
Audio | 41:32
The Me’oras Ha'Machpelah
This class teaches the Kabbalistic spiritual significance of the Cave of Machpelah; the resting place of the patriarchs and matriarchs.
Yishmoel and Eisav
This class explains the difference between Yishmoel and Eisav through the prism of Chassidus.
The Sale of Yosef
Audio | 49:49
The Sale of Yosef
A deeper look at the biblical story of Yosef being sold into exile by his brothers.
Ephraim and Menasheh
Audio | 46:07
Ephraim and Menasheh
This class introduces the unique qualities that Efrayim and Menashe represent according to the teachings of Chassidut.
Moshe vs. the Avot
Audio | 44:17
Moshe vs. the Avot
This class details the difference between Moshe and the Avot, our forefathers.
Moshe and Aharon Speaking to Pharaoh
This class discusses the unique roles of Moshe vs. Aaron, leaders of the Jewish people, as expressed in the way they spoke to Pharaoh.
The Sea Split
The splitting of the Sea of Reeds is the prototype for all events in history, when G-dliness was made evident: prophecy of sort, a curtain removed, truth revealed.
The Splitting of the Sea
The spiritual significance behind the miracle of the splitting of the Red Sea upon the Jewish people’s exodus from Egypt.
The Golden Calf
Audio | 48:13
The Sin of the Golden Calf
The grave sin of the golden calf and what it really consisted of; for how is it possible that they worshiped idols after all that they just experienced?
The Breaking of the Tablets
Audio | 46:39
The Breaking of the Tablets
This class explores the reasons why Moshe broke the luchos, the tablets, and the positive he meant to accomplish through their breaking.
The Counting of the Jews
Audio | 48:54
The Counting of the Jews
This class takes a deeper look at the special significance of the counting of the Jewish people.
Understanding the Meraglim
This class illuminates the story of the meraglim, the spies, in the light of Chassidut.
The Tribes Reuven and Gad
Audio | 49:17
The Tribes Reuven and Gad
This class expounds upon the special greatness of the tribes Reuven and Gad.
The Dynasty of King David
Audio | 45:02
The Dynasty of King David
The true function of Jewish kings and the unique nature of the kingdom of the house of David.
Eliyahu on Mt. Carmel
Audio | 51:20
Eliyahu on Mt. Carmel
This class analyzes the story of Elijah the Prophet on Mt. Carmel where he challenged the worshipers of the Ba’al.
The Rambam
Audio | 51:37
The Rambam
This class describes the outstanding life of the Rambam and the great books he authored.
Kohanim and Leveim
This class explores the spiritual and legal status of a Kohen and Levi and their differences.
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