
The Inside Story

Unraveling Biblical Mysteries


A deeper look at the narratives and stories in the Torah based on classic and mystical sources.

Sarah and Yitzchak vs. Hagar and Yishmael
The Inside Story
A deeper look at the conflict between Sarah and Hagar, and between Yitzchok and Yishmael. This Rosh Hashanah Torah reading demonstrates the triumph of possibility over probability…
The Binding of Isaac
Audio | 1:21:50
The Binding of Isaac
The Inside Story
A detailed analysis of the perplexing story of the binding of Isaac. Why did G-d test Abraham with this test, and why is it read on Rosh Hashanah?
Jonah and the Whale
Audio | 1:24:11
Jonah and the Whale
The Inside Story
An inside look at the fascinating story from the Prophets of Yonah, based on the classic commentary of the Alshich, as elucidated in Chassidic teachings.
The Tower of Babylon
Audio | 1:21:33
The Tower of Babylon
The Inside Story
A fascinating insight into the story of the Tower of Babylon from the classic and mystical sources (Genesis 11:1).
The Covenant Between the Parts
The Inside Story
A deeper look at the Covenant Between the Parts, which details G-d’s promise to Abraham to give him the land of Israel, and foretells his children’s descent into exile and their ultimate redemption (Genesis 15:7).
The Singing Cows
Audio | 31:24
The Singing Cows
A mystical exploration of the story from the Prophets of the Philistines returning the captured Holy Ark on wagons directed miraculously by cows.
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