
Questions & Answers

Must One Honor Abusive Parents?
There are many kinds and levels of abuse, and different people can cope with and tolerate different situations and relationships.
 Why Say Kaddish for a Dad Who Abandoned Me?
What’s the point, if all I feel is spite?
My Cruel Parent Died
On forgiving a mean deceased parent in Jewish thought
How can one forgive a parent when one is still reeling from the intensity of the hurt and pain he caused?
Critical Daughter
It is very unpleasant for anyone to live with a barrage of criticism, and it is especially inappropriate for a child, especially a preadolescent, to be allowed to be so openly critical of a parent...
Father Needs Assisted Living
I am incredibly close to my father, and he has always been a tremendous pillar of strength for me. However, I can't really say he has aged gracefully; and while he has always loved to protect and give to me, he doesn't really want any help in return...
Marriage vs. Mother
She is perfect for me in all aspects. Problem is, I feel like she is not too open to moving . . .
Honor My Mother?!
I am disgusted by the things my mother has done. She is old now and needs me, but there is nothing in her life that deserves respect. How can I respect her without losing my dignity?
Why Do We Honor Our Parents?
With Father's Day approaching as a Rabbi I am frequently asked, "Do you observe the holidays of Thanksgiving, Mother's Day and Father's Day?"
Can a Child Be Named After a Living Person?
Ashkenazi Jews do not name their children after someone who is alive at the time.
Can I Donate My Kidney Against My Parent’s Wishes?
My elderly mother is adamantly against my doing this. She argues that charity begins at home, and that a relative might need my organ in the future.
One of the Ten Commandments, and a mitzvah that mirrors the bond between us and G-d.