
Audio & Video

Honor Your Mother and Father
A Spiritual View on the Challenges of the Fifth Commandment
This spiritual explanation of why it is so difficult for us to properly honor our parents offers insight into healing intergenerational trauma and coming to peace with issues picked up from one’s family of origin.
Honoring Your Parents
This class explains the special importance of the mitzvah of Kibud Av Va’eim – honoring our parents.
Filial Responsibility in Halacha
This three-part series is an in-depth analysis of the mitzvah to honor one's parents. To what extent must one go? What if a parent instructs one to break a law?
Honor Your Father and Mother
The Fifth Commandment
"Honor your father and mother, so that your days may be long upon the land which the Lord your G-d gives you."
How to Honor a Father
Parshah Nuggets: Vayechi
Even after being reunited with his father, Joseph avoided spending very much time with him. Why? Because of the one question that Joseph feared his father would ask him.
Parents: Living With The People You Can't Live Without
Getting to like the people we love by pushing ourselves beyond our comfort level.
Parent or Buddy?
Audio | 27:47
Parent or Buddy?
An in-depth look at the precept to honor our parents. Drawing from the stories of the Bible and Talmud we can learn how to create a balanced relationship between parent and child.
Common Bond
Video | 4:45
Common Bond
After spending a month at his ill father’s bedside, Dr. Stuart Ditchek had the unique privilege of meeting privately with the Rebbe. The Rebbe brought to light a common connection the two of them shared, and gave him an open invitation to visit. (1986)
Daily Mitzvah, Day 330: Cursing or Hitting a Parent - Honoring and Revering Parents
Study the daily lesson of Sefer HaMitzvos for day 330 with Rabbi Mendel Kaplan, where he teaches the mitzvah in-depth with added insight and detail.
Got Parents?
Video | 5:10
Got Parents?
Our relationships with our parents don't need to be as complicated as we might make them...
“He Thinks I Don’t Know”
Reb Hirshel Chitrik used to visit the Rebbe’s mother, Rebbetzin Chana, after she moved to New York. On one occasion, Rebbetzin Chana let Reb Hirshel in on a little family secret (early 1960s).
One of the Ten Commandments, and a mitzvah that mirrors the bond between us and G-d.