
Funeral & Burial

Burial vs. Cremation
Why is cremation forbidden? Does it have a source in Jewish tradition? Is it against the Jewish religion to be cremated?
The Basics of the Jewish Funeral
The taharah, funeral and burial
The taharah, funeral and burial
Rabbi Norman Lamm takes you through an in-depth look at the interment process -- starting with the pre-funeral purification of the body, and through the actual burial.
the taharah, funeral and burial
Readings, insights and personal reflections on what is perhaps the most difficult mitzvah -- the funeral and the burial of the dead.
What to Expect at a Jewish Funeral
The first-time visitor's guide to the levaya
Attending a funeral can be intimidating, whether this is your first time attending or you have been to many funerals. What do I do? What do I say?
Take the Jewish Funeral Quiz
Accompanying the deceased to his or her final resting place is a tremendous mitzvah and displays great respect. See how much you know about Jewish funerals with this quiz.
13 Little-Known Jewish Funeral Traditions
The Jewish funeral is rich with customs and traditions ranging from well known to obscure.
Is Human Composting Permitted in Judaism?
While seemingly akin to traditional burial, human composting presents numerous issues.
10 Chevra Kadisha Facts Every Jew Should Know
The volunteer service that gives honor to the deceased.
12 Facts You Should Know About a Jewish Funeral
Learn about the deeply meaningful ceremony steeped in tradition, reflecting the sanctity of the body and the immortality of the soul.
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