By the Grace of G‑d
27th of Iyar, 5720
Brooklyn, N.Y.
[May 24, 1960]

Greeting and Blessing:

Thank you for letter of May 19th.

I trust that Mrs. Jaffe will not be discouraged by the “tough fight,” as you write in connection with her attempt to influence… However, I hope that the effort will be continued in a spirit of friendliness and pleasantness, and that eventually… and [his wife] will recognize that you are only trying to help them, and have nothing but their own good in mind. “Words coming from the heart enter the heart,” all the more so when the subject matter concerns the vital interests of the parents and children to the end of posterity. Of course, I need not elaborate on this to you and Mrs. Jaffe, but our Sages say “Encourage the energetic ones.” I trust that both you and Mrs. Jaffe will, therefore, continue your efforts in this direction.

With regard to the question of your daughter, I am surprised you do not mention anything about her plans for the forthcoming vacation time. I trust that she will make use of it in the best way for her own benefit as well as for the benefit of others.

As for her plans for the new term, and your desire that your son should continue here, which would entail a postponement of your daughter's coming here, I note from your letter that she is only sixteen, and therefore her coming to study here could be postponed for a year or so. I assume, of course, that in the interim your daughter will have regular appointed times for the study of Yiddishkeit in the maximum possible way, both in regard to quantity and quality.

I enclose a copy of my message, which I trust your daughter will find useful, and that also you and Mrs. Jaffe could make use of on your appropriate level.

Wishing you and your family, in the words of my father-in-law of saintly memory, a happy Shovuoth, and to receive the Torah with joy and Pnimius.

With blessing,

M. Schneerson

Needless to say, I do not agree at all with the spirit of resignation which you express in your letter in regard to Parnosso, being prepared to wait for a substantial improvement until winter. For your benefit as well as for the benefit of the Tzedoko fund, which needs for its steadily growing commitments, a correspondingly growing income, I hope and pray that the improvement will come much sooner, and I trust that you will also be strong in your faith in this, since the strength of faith and trust in G‑d provides the channel and vessel to receive G‑d's blessings.

Rev. Margolis is due to see me this evening.

Since writing the above, I want to add that Rev. Margolis visited me together with his brother and sister, and we had a lengthy discussion on the communal affairs of Manchester. No doubt he will communicate to you all that we spoke about. As you know me, you can take it for granted that I spoke to him about the need to expand his work and all other communal activities, for the strengthen­ing of Yiddishkeit in Manchester and environs.