My Servants
19 Sivan, 5747 · June 16, 1987
My Servants: 19 Sivan, 5747 · June 16, 1987When it comes to separating Terumah and Maaser one is obligated to give the Levite and
Kohen from the best of the crop. Similarly in a Jew’s daily life: The “finest” hours of the day,
when one is most refreshed and energized, must be reserved for G-d, for Torah and Mitzvos.
My Servants
19 Sivan, 5747 · June 16, 1987
Disc 63, Program 249
Event Date: 19 Sivan 5747 - June 16, 1987
When it comes to separating Terumah and Maaser one is obligated to give the Levite and Kohen from the best of the crop. Similarly in a Jew’s daily life: The “finest” hours of the day, when one is most refreshed and energized, must be reserved for G-d, for Torah and Mitzvos. The servant of a Kohen may also partake of the Kohen’s Terumah. Even if the servant rebels and flees his Kohen master’s household, he is permitted to eat Terumah, for he cannot escape his own essence — “A Jew who sins is still a Jew.” The lesson: Every Jew is a servant of G-d. Even if one “rebelled” spiritually, G-d forbid, he remains G-d’s servant. And G-d continues to grant him Divine blessings, for G-d knows that it is only a fleeting stage and that ultimately he will “return home.” |
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