
Fun and Kosher

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Fun and Kosher

Today it has become popular to accompany educational materials with illustrations, including depictions of animals. In such cases, it is appropriate to use pictures of only Kosher animals. Similarly, when a child is given an animal toy, it should resemble a Kosher animal.
Lubavitcher Rebbe
Fun and Kosher
Disc 61, Program 241

Event Date: 20 Cheshvan 5744 - October 27, 1983

Today it has become popular to accompany educational materials with illustrations, including depictions of animals. In such cases, it is appropriate to use pictures of only Kosher animals. Similarly, when a child is given an animal toy, it should resemble a Kosher animal.

There is clear precedent for this in Jewish law: It is well known, the extreme care taken after immersing in the Mikva to avoid seeing an impure animal. How much more so do we see in Jewish custom that when a baby is born we surround it only with holy images.

As we ready ourselves for the imminent Redemption, we must begin to “live” with the Redemption: At that time, “G-d will banish the spirit of impurity from the earth.” Already now, then, wherever possible, people should surround themselves only with pure and holy things.

Living Torah

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Lowell Nigoff Lexington November 14, 2021

Should it follow that if one should create a children's picture book of the Noah story, the author should not represent all the animals as mentioned in the Torah? And the snake in the Garden, or the donkey talking...? Reply

Eliezer Zalmanov for Chabad.org November 15, 2021
in response to Lowell Nigoff:

Depicting animals as they are described in the Torah is not a problem at all. Reply

Jonathan Solomon October 30, 2021

God will be metaher the chazir not eliminate it when mashiach comes. Not as suggested here. Reply

Simcha Bart October 31, 2021
in response to Jonathan Solomon:

The Rebbe is not saying that those animals won't exist when Moshiach comes. Rather to live Moshiach type of experience even now, is to have the least possible exposure to non-pure just as then impurity will be removed from the earth. Reply

Jonathan Solomon October 31, 2021
in response to Simcha Bart:

I see. But there's a world of difference between a chazir miraculously made tahor by He Who created it to begin with and simply eliminating it from present-day environs. I wonder how much true spiritual value there is in the latter and how much merely provides psychic rewards to those redoing the pictures, games, etc. Eilu v'eilu. Reply

Choni October 28, 2021

there we go again: we had in history horses, donkey's, dogs
Maschiach will ride a donkey Reply

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