Learning Never Ends – Part 1
19 Kislev 5742 • December 15, 1981
Learning Never Ends – Part 1: 19 Kislev 5742 • December 15, 1981Students benefit from the guidance and supervision of their educators for only a limited number of hours a day. The environments in which children spend much of their after-school hours, whether at home or on the street, exerts a strong influence that is often in conflict with the values they absorb at school. School administrations often overlook this fact.
Learning Never Ends – Part 1
19 Kislev 5742 • December 15, 1981
Disc 38, Program 149
Event Date: 19 Kislev 5742 - December 15, 1981
Students benefit from the guidance and supervision of their educators for only a limited number of hours a day. The environments in which children spend much of their after-school hours, whether at home or on the street, exerts a strong influence that is often in conflict with the values they absorb at school. School administrations often overlook this fact. The primary obligation of a school is not so much to produce a scholar, as it is to bring up a person of good character and upright principles. The transmission of knowledge is secondary to this. Schools must cater to the “total child.” School administrations must keep their pupils in mind not only when they are within the precincts of the school, but at all times. Indeed, they have an absolute obligation to initiate programs of extracurricular activities that will extend the school’s positive influence beyond classroom hours. They will thereby spare their pupils from the challenges of being confronted with conflicting value systems. |
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