
Children of Redemption

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Children of Redemption

The festival of Purim has a special connection to young children.
Torah, Power of, Childhood; Children, Purim, Lubavitcher Rebbe
Children of Redemption
Disc 151, Program 603

Event Date: 14 Adar 5745 - March 07, 1985

The festival of Purim has a special connection to young children.

After learning of Haman’s plot to annihilate the Jews, Mordechai approached a group of children. When Mordechai asked the young boys to repeat what they had learned that day, they replied with verses which foretold of G-d’s salvation.

The fact that the salvation was first reported by the children is more than just serendipity. It is through educating the children in a true Torah manner that we’ll ensure the continuance and growth of our nation and usher in the ultimate salvation with Moshiach.

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