Sunday | Adar Sheini 14, Purim | 5703 |
In reading the Megilla, we read (8:11); laharog ul'abeid, v'laharog ul'abeid. In 9:2, v'ish lo amad bifneihem, v'ish lo amad lifneihem. When saying ha'igeret hazot and igeret ha'Purim hazot hasheinit, we rustle the Megilla. In Shoshanat Yaakov (p. 340): bruchim kol hatzadikim. Shehecheyanu is said before the daytime Megilla-reading too. |
Torah lessons: | Chumash: Tzav, first parsha with Rashi. | |
Tehillim: 72-76. | ||
Tanya: Furthermore, the vital (p. 169)...the gross world. (p. 171). |
In the Megilla my grandfather wrote, he did not place the ten sons of Haman in a separate column-page, nor did he begin each column-page with the word hamelech ("the king").
(In the Hebrew text at this point, there appear textual emendations in Torah Or, meaningful only in Hebrew. Translator).
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