“The glory of G‑d will be revealed and all flesh will see as one that the mouth of G‑d has spoken.” Yeshayahu 40:5. In the Ultimate Future, after Mashiach’s coming, among the new developments that will [characterize] that era will be the revelation of “the glory of G‑d” and that “all flesh will see as one that the mouth of G‑d has spoken.”

To explain: [The name of G‑d used in this verse is Havayah, the name that connotes G‑d’s transcendence:] how He is past, present, and future simultaneously,1 beyond the limitations of time and space. [In the gestalt that governs the world at present,] in order for there to be a revelation of Havayah even merely in the realm of understanding and comprehension,2 vast and extensive toil is necessary.3 Certainly, this applies when speaking about a revelation on the level of recognition,4 and particularly so, for the revelation to be on the level of sight.

This represents the new development that will [characterize] the era of Mashiach: that the revelation [of G‑dliness] will be through actual sight, i.e., with eyes of flesh5 (as the verse states: “all flesh will see”). This revelation will comprise both “the glory of G‑d,” which refers to an encompassing light, and “the mouth of G‑d,” which refers to an internalized light.6

Moreover, the revelation will be granted “to all flesh together”; to all as one. For then, “the earth will be filled with the knowledge of G‑d,”7 and “all will know Me, from the small to the great,”8 in utter equality.

As is well known,9 it is our Divine service in the present era, and, in particular, in the era of exile, that prepares for all the revelations that will take place in the Ultimate Future. The nature of the preparation for the revelation of the name Havayah is reflected in the verse:10 “And you shall serve G‑d (Havayah) your L‑rd (Elokeichem)” — that our Divine service be carried out until Havayah, [G‑d’s transcendent dimension,] that is past, present, and future simultaneously, becomes [internalized as] Elokeichem, “your Elokim,” [i.e., your personal strength and vitality].11 This service will bring about the revelation of G‑d’s name Havayah in the Ultimate Future. This is what is meant by the verse: “The glory of G‑d will be revealed and all flesh will see as one that the mouth of G‑d has spoken.”