
Torah Teachings of Rabbi Levi Yitzchak Schneerson

Rabbi Levi Yitzchak was a profound kabbalist and a renowned Talmudist. Here are a few vignettes of his prodigious scholarship.

The Untold Story of a Lost Teaching of the Rebbe's Father
The Kabbalah of the Needle That Stitches Together Heaven and Earth
In honor of the 80th Anniversary of the passing of the Rebbe’s father – Rabbi Levi Yitzchok Schneerson – on the 20th of Av
The Temple Guards and Their Mystical Meaning
Rabbi Levi Yitzchak devotes 25 pages of dense Kabbalistic text to explaining this discrepancy through the lens of Jewish mysticism.
Life and Non-Death
In the prayer for rain, why do we say “lamavet,” which implies that we seek “life” and not “not-death”?
The marriage of Isaac and Rebecca symbolizes the marriage between G‑d and the Jewish people, a marriage which is renewed every year during the High Holidays.
On Rosh Hashanah, the plaintive call of the shofar acts to sweeten the severity of G‑d’s judgment and draw divine kindness and life upon all of creation on this Day of Judgement.
Chaf Av: The Sukkah as Eiruv
My Sukkah Is Your Sukkah
Sukkot and Self-Transcendence
The power of the sukkah to release us from our emotional attachments to the material world and make us available for intimate relationships with others.
The Definition of ‘Reality’
Lost and Found, Lesson 4
An unprecedented presentation of two Talmudic mindsets: Abaye and Rava.
A standard box of Chanukah candles contains 44 candles. That’s exactly what you need when you include the shamash, the helper candle with which we light the other candles every night. But if you only count the actual Chanukah candles without the shamash, you will discover that there are 36 candles.
The Alter Rebbe, Sarah and Esther
A mystical teaching for 24 Tevet.
Mystical Insights Into the New Year for Trees
Thought you knew how many tribes there are? How many heads a shin has? Or that you've mastered basic addition? Rabbi Levi Yitzchak shows us deeper insights into these seemingly simple ideas . . . and so much more!
Through the Garden, Over the River
The events surrounding the deaths of two Sages reveal their intellectual and spiritual compositions.
A mystic and scholar, he wrote commentaries on the most esoteric texts. As rabbi of a major Ukrainian city, he struggled valiantly to strengthen Judaism, in spite of Soviet intimidation.