With the publication of Volume 29 of Sichos In English we go beyond the renewed vigor of Volume 28 (Koach) and we offer our innermost expressions of gratitude and thanks to the Al‑mighty for His benevolence and blessing which permitted us to reach this milestone. We continually pray for G‑d’s providence to give us the further strength and ability to continue to disseminate the fountains of Chassidus and to expand our work of spreading Torah to an ever widening audience. We pen these words with a profound sense of responsibility and duty, for we bring the teachings of the Lubavitcher Rebbe Shlita to the masses.

This volume covers the period from the 25th day of MarCheshvan 5746 — Shabbos Chayei Sarah — through Yud Shvat 5746, and includes the English versions of the Rebbe’s discourses, delivered during all the Farbrengen held in that time frame.

The freestyle translations of the Sichos are structured to appeal to the English‑speaking reader who has some basic familiarity with the teachings of Chassidus. The original contexts of the Sichos are generally maintained, and the form and style in which they were said is adhered to. Only slight adaptations or omissions have been permitted when they facilitate the smooth flow of the translation. As always, great effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of the translations; however, they carry no official authorization. As in all works of this nature the possibility of inadvertent error exists for which the publisher accepts full responsibility.

The Rebbe’s Sichos during this period covered subjects ranging from nuclear energy to peace in Eretz Yisrael, as well as insightful explanations of the weekly Torah portions and fundamental interpretations of the Rambam’s theories and rulings.

On the 19th of Kislev, 5746 the Rebbe explained how the Creator placed the power of the infinite (Ein Sof) in the finite world. This concept has been realized by science in the field of nuclear power. The Rebbe explained that this immense power must be used for the good. At the same time we must teach the nations of the world the Seven Noachide Laws. This theme was again stressed by the Rebbe on the 8th night of Chanukah.

When old and young gathered in “770” for a Chanukah party, the Rebbe used the opportunity to stress the duty of young to old — giving respect — and old to young — teaching. With this point in mind the Rebbe also introduced his call for all Chabad Houses to institute new programs for children in the framework of Tzivos Hashem, as well as new programs for senior citizens.

On many occasions in past years the Rebbe has spoken in a loud and clear voice about the problems of peace in Eretz Yisrael. [See the essay: “Eretz Yisrael — An Analysis of the Camp David Peace Process”; see also the Sichah “Peace for the Galilee,” Sichos In English Volume 14; and “Travesty of Justice,” Sichos In English, Volume 16.] In this volume we have included the essay Peace in the Land in which the Rebbe once again urges the leaders of Eretz Yisrael to awaken to the realities of the Holy Land and to emulate the example of the returnees to Tzion at the time of the second Temple, namely to build fortified cities in the liberated territories, which will bring blessing to the land and the people.

In speaking of the Exodus from Egypt the Rebbe pointed out that the righteous women of that generation raised their children to be the faithful “Legions of G‑d.” He also made reference of Dinah, daughter of Leah, and explained that her intention in going out to see the contemporary girls was to try to bring them closer to G‑d.

The Rebbe connected the Yahrzeits of the Rambam and the Alter Rebbe by showing that both endeavored to raise the standard of learning among the Jewish people and both wrote books on Jewish law and philosophy.

The theme of asking G‑d for Mashiach continued in this period and the Rebbe again stressed that we must show our disappointment and complain why Mashiach is not yet here. This will bring Mashiach closer, and as in the case of the Exodus, when the moment comes even our enemies will assist us to leave the diaspora, just as Pharaoh assisted the Jews to leave Egypt.

Our great joy in publishing this volume has been overshadowed by the troubled events of recent days and a great cloud of sadness hovers over our happiness, for we find ourselves in the days of mourning after the passing of the Rebbetzin Chaya Mushka Schneerson O.B.M. We have seen and felt the deep mourning and profound pain of our beloved Rebbe for his Rebbetzin and we have been enveloped by the overwhelming communal mourning.

Thus it is with a sense of unparalleled loss that we go to print and dedicate this volume to the memory of the late Rebbetzin. May this small step in the dissemination of the teachings of the Rebbe Shlita — the fountains of Chassidus — bring true Nachas Ruach — spiritual pleasure — to the lofty soul of the Rebbetzin in its eternal abode, in the world of truth, and may our work of spreading the teachings of Chassidus bring some measure of solace to the Rebbe shlita.

Sichos In English

28th of Shvat, 5748
Concluding day of Shiva for
Rebbetzin Chayah Mushka Schneerson