1. May G‑d fulfill the wishes of your hearts for good. May He convey His blessing upon all those who have joined together in these blessings [and upon those who — for whatever reasons — did not join in the blessings] as it is written, “And I will bless those who bless you.”
In particular, this is connected with “a time of will,” Yud Shevat, “the tenth will be holy,” the yahrzeit of the Previous Rebbe, when “the totality of his service which he carried out” will “bring about salvation in the midst of the earth.”
May we hear only good tidings, beginning with the best tidings that could be, that Mashiach will come immediately. Then, “those that lie in the dust will arise and sing,” including the Previous Rebbe and the tzaddikim who preceded him.
May the institutions mentioned in this album, in particular the new institutions, be joined by the synagogues and houses of study in the diaspora which will be moved to Eretz Yisrael on the clouds of the heavens, together with “our youth and our elders, our sons and our daughters.” May we find ourselves in the immediate future in Eretz Yisrael, in Jerusalem, in the Bais HaMikdash, and in the Holy of Holies, with happiness and joy.
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