Acharon Shel Pesach, 5749
(Sefer HaMaamarim Meluket III, p. 119ff)
By the Grace of G‑d
Acharon Shel Pesach, 5739
“As in the days of your exodus from Egypt I will show you wonders {in the Future Redemption}.” Michah 7:15.
In his discourse of this title,2 the Previous Rebbe notes that the Zohar’s3 emphasizes that the verse states “the days of your exodus” using a plural form, although the exodus from Egypt took one day. Indeed, with regard to [the commandment to] remember the redemption from Egypt, the Torah tells us,4 “so that you remember the day you left the land of Egypt,” (using a singular form for “day”). Why then does the verse originally cited use the plural form, “the days”?
In resolution, the Previous Rebbe explains,5 that the entire sequence of time from the time of the exodus until the Future Redemption is considered as “days of your exodus from Egypt.”
To explain that statement: The Hebrew for Egypt, Mitzrayim, is related to the term meitzar, which refers to boundaries and limitations.6 An exodus from Egypt thus involves redemption from all limitations, even [the subtle limitations that characterize] the lofty [spiritual planes].
[The exodus from Egypt began the process leading to the attainment of this level.] Thus the interval from the time of the exodus until the Future Redemption is considered the “days of your exodus from Egypt.” Each and every day, we are redeemed from a more refined level of limitation,7 until [we reach] the ultimate peak, the true and complete Redemption which will be led by Mashiach. This will bring about the departure from all limitations,8 even the most subtle forms of restraint. [In this vein,] the verse,9 “The one who breaks through shall ascend before them,” is interpreted as a reference to Mashiach, implying that he will break through all the limitations [that exist].
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