The memories begin to flood back to me
As I am surrounded by his ways
The visits that we paid to him
As we traveled through our many stays
Long tables pushed together
And a center one that shone
These images are close in my mind
As I remember looking up, feeling welcomed home
The entering the building, and finding paper and a pen
The asking and the praying
As I looked through the sea of black-hatted men
The quiet walk to the grave
The explanation of where we were
The memories that are returning
Some are still a blur
The standing up on my toes
To find a sea of torn up paper
The connection in my mind
To those videos we'd seen before
The look of concentration
As they listened to his words
He guided them, they followed him
Every word he said, they heard
The leaving of a legacy
The thousands that they've helped return
I find myself blessed
As once again I begin to learn
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