Parshah Columnists
49 items in this section
Guest Columnists
![]() Eat to Live or Live to Eat? Life Lessons From the Parshah - Behar
![]() Know Your Place ... and Step Into It Without humility, it’s impossible to look in the mirror and assess yourself realistically. Either your flaws will be invisible so that you can’t work on
them, or in your overly critical mind, the only thing you can see are your weaknesses, and you will be mired in dysfunctional despair.
![]() Trust Your Partner We can talk at great length about our faith in G‑d and our trust in His absolute wisdom, goodness and beneficence. But do we put our money where our mouths are?
![]() But He Doesn't Even Know We have a responsibility not only to help others and protect their dignity, but also to ensure that we refine and develop a sensitive, compassionate and respectful identity for ourselves.
![]() The Humble Mountain Paradox If G‑d wanted to teach us a lesson in humility, why give the Torah on
a mountain in the first place? Wouldn’t a valley be a better representation of
![]() So Where Do I Get an Interest-Free Loan? Our entire existence is on loan from G-d. The question is, can we make the divine loan into a divine investment?
Weekly Sermonette
![]() Capitalist or Communist? What is Judaism’s economic system? Is there one? In promoting free enterprise, the Torah is clearly capitalistic. But it is a conditional capitalism, and certainly a compassionate capitalism.
![]() Aspire Higher! if we lift ourselves up just a little higher, we can see how small the world really is.
![]() Spiritual Orphanhood When you’re down in the dumps or trapped in a negative spiral, you can’t climb out by yourself.
Life's Passages
![]() Just Hold on a Little Longer Behar
Metaphorically, the seven-year shemittah cycle corresponds to the seven millennia of history.
For Friday Night
![]() The Concept of Freedom Our Parshah gives us a insight into the nature of freedom. Perhaps it challenges some of our assumptions
A Thought for the Week
Reflections on the Parshah
![]() The Weekly Sabbatical Faith is measured by actions, as is demonstrated by the Shemittah year—and the weekly Shabbat.
Parshah Musings
![]() A Culture of Dependency Why does the Torah forbid lending money with interest? The "Culture of Dependency" created by many welfare states can provide some insight in this area...
![]() The Resilience of a Generation of Holocaust Survivors How did that pitiful remnant manage to recover, remarry and redeem Judaism for a new generation? How did they have the bravery to bring new children into a world that they knew could be so evil?
Parshah Messages
![]() It IS His Business What is the greater wonder—G‑d’s ability to perform miracles, or our ability to trust in them?
![]() Did He Sell Us Out? G‑d is omnipotent. He can simultaneously be within and yet remain aloof. But we, His children... how can we be expected to suffer through exile while retaining our exalted status as G‑d's children?
Living through the Parshah
![]() Be Like a (Little) Mountain A deeper examination of the nature of humility and self-assertion reveals that not only are they not mutually exclusive qualities, but that indeed one cannot operate without the other.
What Do You Think?
![]() 10 Jubilee Facts to Know The Yovel (Jubilee) year took place every 50 years. The fields were left fallow, slaves were freed, and land was returned.
![]() Where Are You Heading? Higher and higher we scale; to come closer to G-d is our goal. Sometimes we find ourselves going downhill, slipping and sliding on the slopes of morals, tradition and ethics. We get drunk, we ditch our calling. It is unfortunate, and we must change course.
Inner Stream
![]() Alone in the World: 43 Years Since Entebbe On the fifth day of the crisis, when all but the Jewish hostages were released, the Israeli government realized that Jews were once again alone in the world. History was repeating itself.
![]() The Sabbatical Year: Six Reasons Six reasons for the Sabbatical year: The soil, a macro-Shabbat, making up for six years of Shabbats, a lesson in faith and humility, unity, and liberation.
![]() Saving for Shabbat The recipe to Bring Shabbat into the entire week
![]() The Power of What We are forever asking: What is the reason? What is the meaning? We ask this question of all commandments and all occurrences, even those we supposedly understand . . .
Parshah Blog
![]() The Sabbatical Promise In my humble opinion—and apparently, Joel, you concur—this is the most difficult of G‑d’s promises to swallow and act upon. But He really means it, and that’s why He is so disturbed by the lack of trust.
Weekly Torah
![]() Because It Is There Granted, Mount Sinai was no Everest. But G-d was coming down all the way from the heavens—couldn’t He have descended another few thousand feet, instead of making an octogenarian sage climb a mountainside?
Parshah Recovery
![]() From Powerlessness to Power There are those critics of the Twelve Steps who say that personal humility along with submission to a Higher Power degrades alcoholics and makes them feel spiritually bankrupt...
Parshah Comics
What the Rebbe Taught Me
![]() The Real Answer to the Question, “Who Moved My Cheese?” Cheese is a metaphor for what you want, whether it is a good job, a loving relationship, money, health or peace of mind.
More Parshah Articles
![]() The Seventh Year It was in 1950, after we had completed our army service. At first we lived in tents, in the middle of a barren wilderness. At that time, there were not yet water pipes reaching our moshav. We had to content ourselves with what could be grown in dry, rugged fields.
Covenant & Conversation
![]() We Are What We Do Not Own Think of what you posses not as something you own but as something you hold in trust for the benefit, not only of you and your family, but also of others.
![]() Family Feeling Jews are not just citizens of the same nation or adherents of the same faith. We are members of the same extended family.
![]() The Limits of the Free Market Leviticus 25 sets out a number of laws whose aim is to correct the tendency toward radical and ever-increasing inequality that result from the unfettered play of free market economics.
![]() The Chronological Imagination The Torah did not abolish slavery, but it set in motion a process that would lead people to come of their own accord to the conclusion that it was wrong. How it did so is one of the wonders of history.
![]() The Economics of Liberty What makes Judaism distinctive is its commitment to both freedom and equality, while at the same time recognizing the tension between them.
Beyond Speech
![]() When We Give Until There Is Nothing Left to Give For me, ALS has not been so
draining because I really can’t do much . . .
![]() Are You Interested in G-d? G-d treats us as we treat others.
Torah Insights
![]() The Engine and the Steering Wheel The mind and the heart have trouble communicating simply because they don’t speak the same language, and they don’t respond to the same stimuli.
Other Parshas
- Bereshit
- Noach
- Lech Lecha
- Vayera
- Chayei Sarah
- Toldot
- Vayetze
- Vayishlach
- Vayeshev
- Miketz
- Vayigash
- Vayechi
- Shemot
- Va'era
- Bo
- Beshalach
- Yitro
- Mishpatim
- Terumah
- Tetzaveh
- Ki Tisa
- Vayakhel
- Pekudei
- Vayikra
- Tzav
- Shemini
- Tazria
- Metzora
- Acharei Mot
- Kedoshim
- Emor
- Behar
- Bechukotai
- Bamidbar
- Naso
- Behaalotecha
- Shelach
- Korach
- Chukat
- Balak
- Pinchas
- Matot
- Masei
- Devarim
- Va'etchanan
- Eikev
- Re'eh
- Shoftim
- Ki Teitzei
- Ki Tavo
- Nitzavim
- Vayelech
- Haazinu
- V'Zot HaBerachah
- Vayakhel-Pekudei
- Tazria-Metzora
- Acharei-Kedoshim
- Behar-Bechukotai
- Chukat-Balak
- Matot-Masei
- Nitzavim-Vayelech
- Rosh Hashanah
- Yom Kippur
- Sukkot
- Shemini Atzeret
- Simchat Torah
- Chanukah
- Purim
- Passover
- Shavuot
- Shekalim
- Zachor
- Parah
- Hachodesh
- Rosh Chodesh
- Fast Days