
Guest Columnists

Eat to Live or Live to Eat?
Life Lessons From the Parshah - Behar
Know Your Place ... and Step Into It
Without humility, it’s impossible to look in the mirror and assess yourself realistically. Either your flaws will be invisible so that you can’t work on them, or in your overly critical mind, the only thing you can see are your weaknesses, and you will be mired in dysfunctional despair.
Trust Your Partner
We can talk at great length about our faith in G‑d and our trust in His absolute wisdom, goodness and beneficence. But do we put our money where our mouths are?
But He Doesn't Even Know
We have a responsibility not only to help others and protect their dignity, but also to ensure that we refine and develop a sensitive, compassionate and respectful identity for ourselves.
The Humble Mountain Paradox
If G‑d wanted to teach us a lesson in humility, why give the Torah on a mountain in the first place? Wouldn’t a valley be a better representation of humility?
So Where Do I Get an Interest-Free Loan?
Our entire existence is on loan from G-d. The question is, can we make the divine loan into a divine investment?
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