
Guest Columnists

Why Children Must Be Present at Hakhel
The Torah espoused the value of early childhood education thousands of years before modern educational psychology recognized it.
When Life Plateaus
Together with the downfall comes the promise that there will be a subsequent climb.
Was the Hakhel Gathering in the Seventh or Eighth Year?
By very definition, there cannot be an eighth year in a seven-year cycle!
Tightrope of Life
How do we walk this tightrope called “life” without stumbling?
Last Days
I can’t help but wonder what I would do if I knew it was the last day of my life
If a Ceiling Could Talk . . .
First, there are agonizing hours of wavering and uncertainty. Then comes a sudden, almost breathtaking shift in perspective that makes the right decision stunningly clear.
How Valuable Is It To Live As If Every Day Were Your Last?
Instead of pretending that today were the last day of your life, what if you were to realize, instead, that it’s the first day of the rest of your life?
Choose Life So That You May Live
An Essay on Vayelech
There is nothing worse than perceiving the Torah as an inherited burden, because there is absolutely nothing that one can do about it.
The Sweet Song of the Sparks
How the harsh exile depicted in Moses’ speech is indeed a “song”—because there’s so much joy in it.
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