
Covenant & Conversation

The Second Mountain
What do you do when you have achieved it all, when you have risen to whatever career heights fate or providence has in store for you? What do you do as age lengthens its shadow, the sun sinks, and the body is no longer as resilient or the mind as sharp as it once was?
To Renew Our Days
What did Moses do on the last days of life?
The Heart, the Home, the Text
Dispersed, scattered, landless, powerless, so long as a Jew had the Torah he or she was at home—if not physically, then spiritually. There were times when it was all they had.
The Torah as G-d's Song
To make the Torah live anew, it is not enough to hand it on cognitively – as mere history and law. It must speak to us affectively, emotionally.
Consensus or Command?
What do you say to your successor? What advice do you give him or her?
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