
Guest Columnists

Those Who Fall Between the Cracks
Life Lessons From the Parshah - Behaalotecha
Why No Paschal Offering for 39 Years in the Desert?
As strange as it may seem, the Israelites seem to have only observed Passover once during their 40-year sojourn in the desert.
The rabbi asked, “Do you want to learn?” Shmuel replied, “No. But I want to want to learn.”
Is There a Limit to What We Can Make Holy?
How did fish get involved? By Moses’s own recounting, the people were asking for meat, so why did he talk about giving them (or not giving them) fish?
Who Honored Miriam, and How?
No good deed goes unnoticed
The Torah specifies that “the people” did not abandon Miriam, whereas Rashi suggests that it was an honor accorded to her by G‑d.
Nice Guys Finish Last
Their job was to bring up the rear and gather up any objects left behind--missing socks, perhaps, or lost children... It's not a very glorious role
Achieving Your Best
Why should the first oil of the third pressing have priority for the kindling of the menorah over the second oil of the first pressing?
Why Was Miriam Punished So Harshly?
I’ve been reading the biblical story where Miriam speaks ill about her brother Moses, and her punishment seems completely disproportionate to her “crime.”
A Jewish Approach to Cognitive Dissonance
I would like to be an intellectually honest spiritual seeker, a warm and loving and dynamic wife and mother, a supportive friend; but at the end of the day I look in the mirror and see an annoyed and tired dishrag, and all I want to do is have a cup of coffee and a bar of chocolate . . .
What Are You Worth, Actually?
Extreme humility is sometimes confused with low self-esteem. For Moses, these were as different as day and night.
Trumpets of War and Trumpets of Peace
Upon his arrival in the U.S., he declared that “America is no different.” What did the Rebbe mean?
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