
Guest Columnists

Shrouds Don't Have Pockets
Life Lessons From the Parshah
Making the Count of Our Days Count
Each day of our lives presents us with endless possibilities. We constantly stand at the crossroads of choice.
The Tree of Life
Oedipus, schmoedipus! When the Torah tells us that when Isaac married Rebecca and brought her home, "behold, it was Sarah, his mother" -- it means something else entirely
Arranged Marriages?
Is it true that traditionally, Jewish marriages were arranged marriages? I’ve also heard that this is still the practice amongst the more religious Jews . . .
Torah: Love Isn't What You Think It Is
How is it that the Torah's depiction of love is so different than our common notion of it? Perhaps the answer is that love true doesn't come from where we think it does
Be spiritual. Listen to Sarah. Listen to your body. Use it. Use your animalistic drives and earthly achievements for G-dly missions. That’s exactly what G-d wants from you.
The Waiting Room
Have you ever driven 60 miles to meet a friend, only to have that friend—who lives two miles away—arrive 10 to 15 minutes late?
Woman Power
The miracles that both Sarah and Rebecca experienced represent the power they had to draw holiness into this world and to extend that holiness beyond the boundaries of their own homes.
Rebecca and the Camel Test
A Lesson in Giving
Surrounded by a group of able-bodied men, Eliezer did not appear as a helpless, weary chap begging for a drink. And Rebecca was a young woman of nobility, not a poor servant girl accustomed to lugging water from wells . . .
The Calm After the Storm
An Essay on Chayei Sarah
Every person’s life consists of two different modes. One mode is characterized by ascents and descents, while the other is characterized by calm and tranquility, without major events or great excitement.
Do You Own What You Have?
Abraham appreciated a simple yet sometimes difficult truth: if you want to make something truly yours, you must pay for it.
What Was Double About Me’arat Hamachpelah?
The Rebbe provides an interpretation of Rashi’s commentary that overturns nearly a thousand years of presumed understanding.
How to Live Life
All of her years were equal, parallel, identical, even-steven for good? Is this possible?
Be the Best You
From Eliezer we learn to find joy in satisfaction within the circumstances G-d gives us.
Bringing the Blessing Into Our Tent
Great blessings such as these do not come as the result of any particular ability we may have or lack.
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