
Personal Reflections

Inspirational Lectures on the Rebbe’s Life and Legacy

How the Lubavitcher Rebbe Changed My Life
Chief Rabbi of the British Commonwealth, Rabbi Jonathan Sacks, tells how the Rebbe's guidance affected him at three critical junctures in his life. Rabbi Sacks suggests that we can all live the Rebbe's vision by a) increasing in love for all Jews, b) empowering individuals to discover their true potential, and c) sharing our Jewish commitment and observance with others.
Commemorating the Rebbe’s 15th Yahrtzeit
An address by Senator Joe Lieberman at an evening commemorating the Lubavitcher Rebbes’s fifteenth yahrtzeit—anniversary of passing (June 29, 2009 - Philadelphia, PA).
An Ambassador Recalls the Rebbe
Israeli diplomat Yehuda Avner speaks at the concluding banquet of the International Conference of Chabad-Lubavitch Emissaries in New York, addressing a series of encounters he had with the Rebbe, Rabbi Menachem M. Schneerson, of righteous memory.
Carrying the Rebbe’s message in the halls of power
Rabbi Levi Shemtov, Chabad emissary in Washington, D.C., and rabbi to ambassadors, presidents and potentates, shares firsthand accounts of how the Rebbe’s teachings have influenced the world’s most powerful men and women. (Recorded on the occasion of the 17th anniversary of the Rebbe’s passing.)
Personal Recollections of Encounters with the Lubavitcher Rebbe
The Chief Rabbi of Efrat, Israel, describes what it means to be a “Shliach,” a Chabad-Lubavitch emissary.
Personal Reflections on the Teachings of the Rebbe
Rabbi Simon Jacobson shares his personal reflections on the teachings of the Rebbe, Rabbi Menachem M. Schneerson, on the occasion of the anniversary of his passing. (filmed at Chabad of Brooklyn Heights, 6/20/2012)
A Tribute to the Lubavitcher Rebbe
Rabbi Lau describes the Rebbe not just as a leader who revolutionized world Jewry, but also as one who cared about a widow in Israel who wanted to commit suicide...
A voice of hope after the ashes of the Holocaust
On the occasion of the Lubavitcher Rebbe’s yahrtzeit, Rabbi Yossy Goldman shares the Rebbe’s unique vision of hope.
The Exceptional Leadership of the Lubavitcher Rebbe
The past century has been fraught with unprecedented challenges facing our people, and it was precisely at this juncture that called for extraordinary leadership. Rabbi Yosef Y. Jacobson explores three central themes in the Rebbe’s visionary leadership. (Recorded at a tribute commemorating the Rebbe’s twentieth yahrtzeit at Park East Synagogue)
A Personal Family Saga Spanning Five Generations
An extraordinary address by Professor David Luchins, chair of Touro College’s department of political science and a longtime advisor to the late New York Sen. Daniel Patrick Moynihan, at the gala banquet of the International Conference of Chabad-Lubavitch Emissaries (Nov. 15, 2009).
Personal reflections on the Rebbe’s approach to leadership
Joseph Telushkin reflects on what we can all learn and apply in our own lives from various stories about the Rebbe’s unique approach to leadership.
There is an abundance to learn from the Rebbe’s example, even in the everyday seemingly small things, in the details of both his sensitivity to others to his devotion to Torah and truth, which remain inspiring, vibrant and relevant as ever.
What the Rebbe Saw In Each Jew
Rabbi and author Benjamin Blech shares personal stories of his relationship with the Lubavitcher Rebbe, of righteous memory, and speaks about what he believes was the main component of the Rebbe's influence -- the ability to see the fullest potential of each Jew. (filmed at Chabad of Brooklyn Heights on the occasion of the Rebbe’s 17th Yahrtzeit, 2011)
How caring for the Rebbe influenced my life
Following the Rebbe’s severe heart attack in 1977, Dr. Ira Weiss was entrusted to treat the Rebbe, which led to a special personal relationship for many years. (Recorded at a tribute for the Rebbe’s 20th yahrtzeit at the Eastside Torah Center in Bellevue, Washington)
Personal Memories of a Relationship with the Rebbe
Rabbi Marvin Tokayer who served as the Rabbi to the Far East from 1968-1981 reveals how several personal encounters with the Lubavitcher Rebbe, of righteous memory, influenced his path in life.
Marking the 20th Yahrtzeit (anniversary of passing) of the Rebbe
Join the Jewish community of greater Houston for an evening of inspiration and reflection, marking the twentieth yahrtzeit of the Lubavitcher Rebbe, of righteous memory. Presenting a panel discussion exploring the Rebbe’s leadership, led by Dennis Prager in conversation with Rabbi Simon Jacobson, Rabbi Yosef Kantor and Mrs. Miriam Lipskier.
4 Videos
The Rebbe’s monumental lifework and inspiration continues to guide us. Join Chabad-Lubavitch of the state of New Jersey in paying tribute to the Rebbe on the occasion of the twentieth yahrtzeit. Keynote address by Richard Joel, president of Yeshiva University.
Commemorating the 20th Yahrtzeit of the Lubavitcher Rebbe
Join the greater Detroit Jewish community for an evening of inspiration and tribute, marking the twentieth yahrtzeit of the Lubavitcher Rebbe, of righteous memory. Featured guest speaker: Joe Lieberman.
Commemorating the Yahrtzeit of the Rebbe’s Mother
Rabbi Yehuda Krinsky shares his personal memories of Rebbetzin Chana (the Rebbe’s mother) in honor of the 6th of Tishrei marking her yahrtzeit.
Rabbi Shmuel Lew shares his personal memories of Rebbetzin Chana (the Rebbe’s mother) in a webcast on the 6th of Tishrei marking her yahrtzeit.
Mrs. Chani Levitin shares the story of her family becoming affiliated with Chabad and their warm connection with the Rebbe, and her personal encounters; until she ultimately became a shlucha together with her husband in in Seatle, Washington (This talk is from an evening of tribute to the Rebbe by Chabad of Washington State)..
Rabbi Yisrael Meir Lau, the former Chief Rabbi of Israel, shares his memories and reflections at an evening of unity and inspiration celebrating the leadership and inspiration of the Lubavitcher Rebbe of righteous memory, on the occasion of the 25th yahrtzeit, in Seatle Washington.
Joseph Telushkin, author of the bestselling book “Rebbe”, shares insights and lessons from the life and teachings of the Lubavitcher Rebbe. (A lecture at Congregation Kehilath Jeshurun in Manhattan, NY at the book launch)
Rabbi Efraim Mintz, using story and anecdote, shares key messages we learn from the Rebbe. From an evening of inspiration called a Meeting of Souls in honor of the Rebbe’s yahrtzeit, hosted by Tzach, Lubavitch Youth Organization.
Rabbi Manis Friedman shares a glimpse into the Rebbe’s vision and historic impact as portrayed in how the Rebbe unmuted the Jewish world and gave us back our voice. A talk on the Rebbe’s yahrtzeit at an evening of tribute near the Rebbe’s Ohel (resting place) in Queens, NY (hosted by Tzach, Lubavitch Youth Organization).
A keynote address at an event in Miami celebrating the Rebbe’s life, vision and leadership in honor of the 120th birthday anniversary.
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