
Volume 5

Hu Elokeinu, Ribono Shel Olom, Nigun Rikud, Higole No, Nigun Hisvaadus, Nigun Gaaguim, Nigun Simcho, Ashreinu, Ashrey Ish, Nigun Simcho, Nigun LeShabbos VeYomTov, Ochein Atoh, Tzomo Lecho Nafshi (Russian), Nigun Simchoh

Hu Elokeinu
Audio | 3:24
Hu Elokeinu
This lively melody conveys steadfast belief and confidence in the approaching imminent full redemption
Ribono Shel Olom
Audio | 4:03
Ribono Shel Olom
This melody is sung by the chassidim at their gatherings, in moments of deep soul-searching.
Nigun Rikud
Audio | 2:10
Nigun Rikud
This Joyous dance melody is sung in two parts
Higole No
Audio | 3:15
Higole No
This beautifully stirring melody gives vent to the feelings of craving for mercy
Nigun Hisvaadus
Audio | 2:49
Nigun Hisvaadus
This melody conveys deep sentimental warmth and heartiness
Nigun Gaaguim
Audio | 3:42
Nigun Gaaguim
A sweet and euphonious melody in three parts, giving introspective expression and a deep yearning for spiritual elevation
Nigun Simcho
Audio | 2:56
Nigun Simcho
This melody in three sections expresses Chassidic joy and hope in the Almighty
Audio | 4:27
This Joyous melody sung in three sections, heard often at Chassidic gatherings
Ashrey Ish
Audio | 2:21
Ashrey Ish
This is a deeply moving melody in two sections expressing spiritual adherence
Nigun Simcho
Audio | 1:42
Nigun Simcho
One of the oldest lively and joyous Chabad melodies, sung often at gatherings
Nigun LeShabbos VeYomTov
This is a serious, moving melody, sung usually at the Shabbat and festival meals
Ochein Atoh
Audio | 1:42
Ochein Atoh
Melody in two sections expressing devotion and soul outpouring to the Almighty
Ki Onu Amecho
Audio | 2:40
Ki Onu Amecho
This melody and its stirring tune stir the soul towards repentance
Tzomoh L'cho Nafshi (Russian)
This melody conveys penetrating heartfelt striving to G-dliness
Nigun Simchoh
Audio | 3:52
Nigun Simchoh
Broad, hearty, joyous melody in three parts

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