Nigunim of the Chabad Rebbes
Audio | 2:47
The Baal Shem Tov, Mezritcher Maggid, Alter Rebbe
Audio | 3:49
The Alter Rebbe
This melody is divided into three short parts, it is a heartfelt declaration of thankfulness, spiritual satisfaction, and steadfast belief in the future redemption
Audio | 4:38
The Mitteler Rebbe
This melody is an interesting musical composition, divided into four sections
Audio | 2:42
The Tzemach Tzedek
This melody is divided into three parts that signify deep meditation, fervent hope, and boundless faith
Audio | 5:15
The Rebbe Maharash
This wonderful, inspiring melody was a favorite of the fourth Chabad Rebbe.
Audio | 6:07
The Rebbe Rashab
The "Nigun Hachono" -- the Melody of Preparation—is a reflective melody, sung in preparation to singing the first Chabad Rebbe’s “Tune of Four Parts.” The Nigun Hachono was favored by the fifth Chabad Rebbe, Rabbi Shalom Dovber (the Reshab), and is also known as his tune.
Audio | 3:17
The Rebbe
This melody is composed of two distinct, yet related, melodies. The soft, tranquil tones at the beginning express the unburdened way of life of the righteous. In contrast, the stormy, raging tones of the second melody express the deep feelings of remorse of the repentant one
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- Nigun (467)