By the Numbers
Did You Know That Many Yemenites Can Read Hebrew Upside Down?
Read 18 incredible facts about Yemenite Jews
Read 18 incredible facts about Yemenite Jews
10 Questions: Take the Rebecca Quiz
How well do you know the Matriarch Rebecca? Test your knowledge!
How well do you know the Matriarch Rebecca? Test your knowledge!
Upward Without Limit
G-d’s infinite concealment and ascent is just as accessible as G-d’s infinite revelation and descent.
G-d’s infinite concealment and ascent is just as accessible as G-d’s infinite revelation and descent.
Schrödinger’s Rabbi: The Talmud’s Mind-Bending Take on Reality
Quantum logic helps explain a halachic ruling of Maimonides, a puzzling story of the Talmud, a Midrash about the splitting of the Sea of Reeds, and a rabbinic teaching about the relationship between Torah and existence.
Quantum logic helps explain a halachic ruling of Maimonides, a puzzling story of the Talmud, a Midrash about the splitting of the Sea of Reeds, and a rabbinic teaching about the relationship between Torah and existence.
Why Did Pharaoh Pursue the Jews?
After enduring the devastation of the Ten Plagues, what sense did it make for the Egyptians to pursue the Israelites?
After enduring the devastation of the Ten Plagues, what sense did it make for the Egyptians to pursue the Israelites?
I Cry and Pray to G-d, but Illness Has Not Broken My Spirit
Sometimes it feels like we are in an impossible situation, everything seems to be against us, and we are backed against a raging tide.
Sometimes it feels like we are in an impossible situation, everything seems to be against us, and we are backed against a raging tide.
Unexpected Miracles
I first discovered the teachings of the Rebbe during the Covid shutdown. Many wonderful things have since happened.
I first discovered the teachings of the Rebbe during the Covid shutdown. Many wonderful things have since happened.
How G-d Is Hiding in Your Struggle
Unpacking the powerful message of the monumental Chassidic discourse ‘Basi LeGani’, with a focus on the 15th chapter, which is widely being studied this year in preparation for the 10th of Shevat.
Unpacking the powerful message of the monumental Chassidic discourse ‘Basi LeGani’, with a focus on the 15th chapter, which is widely being studied this year in preparation for the 10th of Shevat.
Jewish News
A constant fire shall burn upon the altar; it shall never go out.
Leviticus 6:6
Print Magazine
There will come a time, very soon, when we will be shown miracles so great, they will make the Ten Plagues and the splitting of the Red Sea appear as ordinary as nature itself.
So great, no mind can begin to fathom them;
so powerful, they will transform the very fabric of our world, elevating it in a way that the wonder...
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