

By the Numbers
21 Facts You Should Know About Joseph

The cherished son of Jacob and Rachel who ascended to the position of viceroy in Egypt.
10 Questions: Take the Fish in the Judaism Quiz

Do you know which Jewish month has the mazel of a fish?
Your Questions
What Happens If You Missed Shabbat Candles?

Do you need to light an additional candle going forward?
How Can the 10th of Tevet Interfere With Shabbat?

This is the only Jewish fast that is observed on Friday, which means that we fast all the way up until we make kiddush.
The Amazing History of Hebrew Printing in the Shadow of the Inquisition

The fascinating world of Hebrew incunabula.
What Was Jacob’s “End of Days” Prophecy?

Does "end of days" refer to the Final Redemption?
Joseph and Levi Carry Me Through ALS

My family has been suffering for years now, not knowing what tomorrow may bring.
Wine-Red Eyes and Milk-White Teeth

"His eyes are red with wine," Jacob blessed his fourth son Judah, "and his teeth are white with milk." In a Chassidic discourse, Rabbi Schneur Zalman of Liadi explains the spiritual significance of "teeth", "whiteness", "redness" and "wine"
The Lasting Impact of a Fake Dollar From the Rebbe

Robert asked how to obtain a genuine dollar—one given out by the Rebbe. He received an offer he couldn't resist.
The Freeman Files
The Kabalah of String Theory

We intuitively think of matter as something very static, just sitting there. It’s strange to think of matter as a tune being played by a string. What if our entire reality is just that?
Festival of Jewish Books
Moses received the Torah from Sinai and gave it over to Joshua. Joshua gave it over to the Elders, the Elders to the Prophets, and the Prophets gave it over to the Men of the Great Assembly. They would say three things: Be cautious in judgement; establish many pupils; make a safety fence around the Torah...
— Ethics of the Fathers 1:1
Print Magazine

Pharaoh’s advisers tried hard to explain away all the plagues.

Even when the Red Sea split, allowed the Jews free passage, and drowned their enemies, there were those who ascribed the entire event to natural causes.

Such is human nature, to reflexively seek out a natural explanation for every event.

But a Jew, qu...