Donating Animals
"He shall present the animal before the priest and the priest shall evaluate it"—Leviticus 27:11-12.
If a person pledges to give a non-kosher animal [or a kosher animal not fit to be brought as a sacrifice] to G‑d, he must follow the law prescribed in the Torah.
Donating Houses
"And if a man shall sanctify his house, holy to G‑d...the priest shall evaluate it"—Leviticus 27:14.
If a person pledges to give a house to G‑d, he must follow the law prescribed in the Torah.
Donating Fields
"And if a man shall dedicate part of his field"—Leviticus 27:16-22.
If a person pledges to give a field to G‑d, he must follow the law prescribed in the Torah. The procedure varies depending on whether it is an ancestral field or a field that one acquired.