By the Grace of G‑d 18 Elul, 5701 (1941) Brooklyn

To the Learned Rabbis and to the Gabbaim and Administrators of Synagogues wherever they may be:

May G‑d’s blessings light upon you!

Greetings and Blessings:

I would hereby like to propose that before Maariv on both nights of Rosh HaShanah, and before Kol Nidrei and before Neilah on Yom Kippur, chapters 20, 22 and 69 from the Book of Tehillim be recited publicly, followed by the prayer whose text is enclosed herewith.1

And may it be G‑d’s will that our prayers, together with the prayers of the entire House of Israel, will ascend and be accepted favorably by the Master of All, and that we, together with all of Israel, will be inscribed and sealed for a good and blessed year both materially and spiritually and for a complete Redemption. Amen, may this indeed be His will!

With Torah greetings and with brotherly love,

Yosef Yitzchak