
The Guarantors

G-d wanted guarantors that the Jews would treasure and study the Torah He would give them. Who were these guarantors, and what is their special quality?

A Childish Understanding
Why does G-d treasure the Torah study of children? It's all about their attitude -- one which adults should adopt too.
Wanted: Childish People
To the child, "yesterday" is code word for "completely irrelevant past," and "tomorrow" is code word for "utterly irrelevant future."
Why Michael From Siberia Cried on Shavuot
Never mind the games and other playthings, this five-year-old had his eye on the real prize
Just as a guarantor for a loan knows that he can be called on at any time to make good his pledge, so too we've got to educate children to appreciate and live up to their responsibilities...
Underage Underwriters
A 60-Second Clip
The Mitzvah ATM is about to dispense the Torah in honor of the holiday of Shavuot. One snag, though: It wants trustworthy guarantors...
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