Shavuot Audio Classes
Audio | 28:30
Eating cheese cake; and staying up all night: Insight and explanations into some of the laws and customs pertaining to the festival of Shavuot.
Audio | 5:44
Five Minute Class
A five minute Shavuot insight based on the wellsprings of Torah and Chassidut.
Audio | 50:52
Part 1 of 2
Torah brings peace to the world. More than a guide for social justice and personal morality, Torah brings harmony to nature itself making good and evil, light and darkness, serve a greater good - G-d's vast eternal plan.
Audio | 48:16
Part 2 of 2
Torah brings peace to the world. More than a guide for social justice and personal morality, Torah brings harmony to nature itself making good and evil, light and darkness, serve a greater good - G-d's vast eternal plan.
Audio | 5:46
The giving of the Torah at Sinai is associated in many ways with the number three. How does this plurality lead us to true oneness?
Audio | 41:07
On Shavuot, Moses as a baby was removed from the River Nile; King David and The Baal Shem Tov passed away -- the link between these events.
Audio | 47:10
The laws of studying Torah: An overview of Torah education through our history, and its current form today.
Audio | 44:04 Advanced
Some of the Halachik laws pertaining to the festival of Shavuot in-depth.
Audio | 1:16:11
As we approach the holiday of Shavuot, we must prepare ourselves to receive the Torah anew. How is the Torah relevant in our modern world and what does it mean to us?
Audio | 27:29
What do you get for the G-d who has everything? Does He really need us? Why is He so concerned whether or not we accept His Torah and do what He asks?
Audio | 43:59
The five names of Har Sinai and how each of these names teaches us a profound lesson about the Torah.
Audio | 11:30
What We Heard and Saw at the Giving of the Torah
Gain insight into the transformative nature of the giving of the Torah at Sinai.
Audio | 44:09 Advanced
This class examines the extraordinary transformative impact the giving of Torah accomplished.
Audio | 29:48 Advanced
A profound insight into the inner reason to why G-d’s powerful voice at Mt. Sinai did not produce an echo.
Audio | 49:29 Advanced
This class explains the significance of the logical and mundane laws of the Torah and the special connection of these mitzvot to the general theme of the giving of the Torah.
Audio Advanced
Two advanced classes that expound upon the central themes of Shavuot.
Audio | 47:45
When Israel stood at Sinai they underwent a transformation which serves as the model for all future conversion. We will examine what they did and how this evolved into the criteria for conversion today.
Audio | 57:45
Experience the gems of the Parsha with the classic commentaries, and a kabbalstic twist.
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- Shavuot (374)